$400.00 USD

If you think your student may benefit from additional essay-writing support, or if you want them to get help with their Activity Descriptions, Letters of Recommendation, or other aspects of the College Application Process, this 4 Hour Package may be a good add-on.

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Essay Hike

Help you student finish their college essay with ease.

What you'll get:

  • 4 Brainstorming Worksheets
  • 1 Quick-Start to Rough Draft Coaching Session (1.5 hours)
  • 1 Review of 2nd Draft

Your student must complete their Four Favorite Topic Ideas worksheet before our Quick Start coaching session. Our aim will be to outline or sketch out a rough draft by the end of that session, but I can't guarantee this. The student may need to finish their rough draft on their own, review it themselves, and then submit their 2nd draft to me for review.